When you think about applying for a car loan at a bank, it’s hard not to think about the seemingly endless paperwork, the long wait, and all the hoops you have to jump through. You may even have to make several visits or phone calls and answer even more questions just to get a decision. And if you get it, it often isn’t affordable.
At Dream Nissan Midwest, we want to redefine the car finance experience. Our expert in-house finance professionals don’t decide what you’ll pay. And they ask what financing terms suit your budget and lifestyle and help you secure a loan that meets those needs so that you can get into your new car without worry or stress. That’s all there is to it.
Ready to drive away in a new car? Here’s how it works:
If you’re vehicle shopping, you probably already know how much you’d like to spend each month on your new car. So, when you visit Dream Nissan Midwest, it’s good to keep your upper spending limit in mind to ensure your excitement isn’t bigger than your budget.
Once you’ve picked out a new car or truck, you’ll want to speak to your insurance agent to ensure everything is in order and know how much a policy on the new vehicle will cost. Of course, if you need an insurance provider, we have an in-house Allstate agent who can immediately provide coverage.
Armed with that information, our sales and financing experts can help you find the perfect new or used Nissan in a color you love, with all the features that will turn your next drive into a dream.
We’re not a bank or credit union, meaning we have a full range of options to find the right loan product to meet your budget and credit score. We work with more than 60 lenders, each with unique financing options and requirements, which makes it easy for us to find you the best finance options.
Some of these options include short and longer-term loans. However, be aware that while long-term loans come with smaller payments, the interest adds up, often making it more expensive. But don’t worry. Our finance professionals will discuss all of that with you when you visit.
You might have an insurance agent, in which case, we’ll work with you to make it easy to get a policy for your new vehicle. If you need insurance services, however, we have an in-house Allstate insurance team that can help you find suitable insurance options and ensure you’re covered for everything you might face during the life of your vehicle.
With everything in place, there’s just one thing left to do: Enjoy the drive.
What are you waiting for?
Dealership Info
Phone Numbers:
Main: 314-475-1533
Sales: 314-475-1533
Service: 314-475-1533
Parts: 314-475-1533
Sales & Allstate Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Fri, Sat 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sun Closed
Service & Parts Hours:
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sat, Sun Closed